• The Early Bird Shopper – this super-organized shopper is buying now and if you are not con
tacting her, she will buy from someone else! Offer her a party, invite her to your Open House but first, send her a blank ‘gift list’ as a gift with your best ideas so your name is upfront!
• The Regular Shopper – she will spread her shopping through November and early December. Keep in touch with her continuously with special customer and host offers both November and December. This is the shopper who loves a bargain too so offer a party so she can shop for free!
• The Last Minute shopper – she’ll be rushing to come up with gift ideas mid December! Have some cash and carry items available – and offer to giftwrap!
If don’t communicate with each group – you’re leaving money on the table for someone else to pick up!!!!
• The Regular Shopper – she will spread her shopping through November and early December. Keep in touch with her continuously with special customer and host offers both November and December. This is the shopper who loves a bargain too so offer a party so she can shop for free!
• The Last Minute shopper – she’ll be rushing to come up with gift ideas mid December! Have some cash and carry items available – and offer to giftwrap!
If don’t communicate with each group – you’re leaving money on the table for someone else to pick up!!!!